Most of these are the dreams of our Sheriff as he picks up Anna/Carrie at the penitentiary and takes a detour to show her the house in the locket he gave her. For much of the first half we switch between the present, the past, and the "wished for" versions of them.
If you want some of the most interesting cinematography on TV as well as some major plot advancement then this is one to watch. This is about the main character and why he came to Banshee. If you wanted standard TV and all the secondary characters you'd be disappointed. The violence and sex returns in the next episode. So yes, I liked it - not the best of all the episodes, but very good in a different way. It was a nice break from the normal episode craziness to help understand a little bit more of the characters. The mixture of fantasy/dream and reality kept you off guard and also enlightened us to the desires of Lucas an Carrie while externally they were more reserved. From a directorial perspective it was a different way of handling the characters struggle with what to do. We also learn why Racine has a hard-on for Rabbit. The fast paced act without thought behavior of Lucas can only go on for so long before he takes a step back and wonders if he is doing the right thing. In my less-humble opinion, I enjoyed the departure. Which is it? it is both - the view of the different types of viewers of the show. This kind of departure is going to receive polarizing reviews - some will love it and some will hate it - as seen by other postings here. Yes there is some violence and a brief bit of nudity, but the episode itself is more of an introspective look at "Lucas", Carrie, and Agent Racine. This episode is certainly a departure from the regular Banshee formula of violence, sex, crime, and mayhem. But the producers don't do "easy." This is a change of pace episode where the tension builds so well that by the 25:00 mark the viewer is starting to chew the furniture waiting for something to break. It was already known to be one of the most engaging and satisfying dramas on the dial. The irony - and you can see this is the scatter-pattern of the other reviews for this episode - is that Banshee prior to this had nothing to prove. Let the viewer get so connected with the characters that the viewer jumps when the actors jump. Keep the viewer wondering what comes next. Who knew? If you are producing a TV drama there really is only one goal that supersedes all others, the holy grail of drama if you like.

TV drama is only one segment of that mix but proportionately it is the largest.

This challenge has been taken up by 10s of 1000s of broadcast stations all over the world, each picking and choosing among 100s of 1000s of hours of pre-packaged content, as the mood strikes them. Since TV, the medium, arrived, there have been over 500,000 hours of airtime to fill.